We have a new opportunity for our startups, powered by Foundation EDP! 😊

<aside> πŸ“Œ We created this page for 2 main reasons: ****1. Share all the information about the program and its application process; 2. Learn about how to develop a social innovation project.

If you have any doubts, feel free to share your questions in a 1:1 session with InΓͺs SerrΓ£o. Please use this link to schedule your call: https://calendly.com/startuplisboa/edp-solidarity-program

Here's a video that explains step-by-step how this document is structured, how you can explore each chapter, and our recommendations during this process πŸ˜‰



I. About the Program

What about the program?

This program of FEDP (EDP Foundation) is designed to support social projects that, by promoting a just energy transition, have a positive impact on people or groups in vulnerable situations, social economy workers, students or more isolated communities.

πŸ‘‰πŸΎ The entities that can apply must be:

The eligible projects must have Portugal as geographical area of project implementation, as well as answer directly or indirectly to one of the following:

FEDP’s Project Support πŸ’°